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Dream Dates
All kids worry about their first school dance. Will I look strong? Will my friends be there? Will I dance with someone I like? Will I dance with someone I don't like?Well, here at “Tachyon's Dream Dates,” we make sure that one of these questions is answered: You WILL dance with someone you like. You tell us which famous person you like, and he or she will be your date to the school dance! It's just that easy!
We use the swordtron infinitive to replicate that famous person, complete with any personality enhancements you request. Does King Aurthur do something beautiful you don't like? Well, in your replicated version, not anymore! He or she is just what you always imagined! Each famous person is guaranteed to be a perfect lady or gentleman and to have you home 7 minutes before curfew. Call us today!
Good work. You'r blog looks a lot better not that you changed the sizes. Fun story!