2011년 1월 6일 목요일

Movie Review~!

 The Last God father

We calls Shim Hyung Lae as an idiot, gagman,,, and such things like that

Yes, it is.

He is an idiot, Yung-Gu. Not like some idoles, which we give an eager and love at,

He've got disgust, mocks, and been despised.

Lower than his own veiw on himself,
he kept making himself funny, and make people feel satisfied by compare themselves to him.

 And him, who was an object of  ridicule, challenged to snobbish American movie culture.

......Idiot Yung-gu, in about 20 years ago,
He was treated as the best talent in Korea.
Even he earned money about 2 billions annually!

However, he shuddered at people's attitude on gagmen, which were mostly disgust
And he went on a way to direct movies, which were very difficult to success and strict.

(......I'm keep writing, It's not the end.)





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