2011년 1월 26일 수요일

Highrise : Out my window

-Out My Window-
     Stand up, and look over the window. Open the window, and breath slowly. Feel the air, and feel the sun. Look at the sky. And think: "Who else are looking over the window right now, above the world?"
     Well, this was the first reaction after I experience the Highrise : Out my window. My character is Durdane, who is from Istanbul. Before I start it, I was so excited of that I can experence other's life, which I will have no chance forever to see directly by my eyes. Hopefully, it was REALLY interesting, and also very helpfull for my future construction. Anyway, let me start introduce my character!
     According to Wikipedia, Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and 5th largest city proper in the world with a population of 12.8 million,  Istanbul is also a megacity, as well as the cultural, economic, and financial centre of Turkey. the natural harbour known as the Golden Horn, in the northwest of the country.
     The "letters". If you enter her house, in front of you, there'll a picture of the letters. When you click it, She tells her own story about the letters. Her son had gone to Germany when he was just 10 years old. Also, she had 7 siblings, but 5 of them had gone to Germany. As reading letters again and again everyday, she hardly hides her miss to them. However, her parents were all gone, where they can never come back. She sais : "My parents went to Germany I was a very young age. And their bodies came back on a plane. They died before they were old." There, she truly longs for the "Planes". Even, she always waves hands to the planes, whenever she found the plane. The plane gives her both sorrow and hope.
     In addition, you can find the fact that Durdane misses her past times and family by clicking the cupboard which is placed at the right of the sofa.
     If you move more to right side, you'll find the buildings. At the past, there was "Gekecondu" instead of the buildings. "Gekecondu" was in everywhere around the Istanbul, she says. It means "Landed Overnight", which refers self-built sqatter houses. Then she explains the process that she could get the house. She tells that she came this area when she was 15 years old, and she lived here for almost 30 years. Before, the house she lived in was a squatter, and 10 people lived there together. Even though there was an electricity, but there was no water supply. Then, suddenly appartmentization started, and all the families built buildings storey by storey, part by part, she says. During this, the infra suppliment started to come normally. For example, Water, Roads, and Electicity. She always lived as a tenant (pay money regularly in order to live in). And it was only few years ago when she bought her own apartment by using her all savings. However, first, there were no doors, windows, ar anything. So, she made everything by her hand.

     I believe this experience helped me to enlarge my range of understand. Now I can emagine, or understand others' lives better. No prejudice, no pre-concept. I feel so satisfied of it. Although my job is all finished here, I'm willing to search more and more "out my windows" series from now. The lesson: "There are different forms of life". I could never forget it. :)


2011년 1월 24일 월요일


Since I have Lots of things to do,
I'll finish my <Out My Window> until tomorrow!
(Perhaps, today:)

2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Hahaha This Is Timetable!!!

Not finished, but just...:)

Cities in Ancient Greece
Class 25 – SeHyun Kim (David)
Table of Contents
           I. Introduction
II. Definition of “City” in Ancient Greece.
III. How did the “City” develop?
             A. Society forms of “Cities”
             B. Industry of “Cities”
IV. “Cities” in Ancient Greece – <Iliad>
             A. Definition of the “City” at the era.
B. Greece vs. Troy.
V. “Cities” in Ancient Greece – <The Histories>
             A. List of cities in Ancient Greece at the time.
             B. Major Part (Persian War)
VI. Comparisons of cities between two books, two eras.
             A. Power
             B. Structure
             C. Trades
VII. Effect that “Cities” gave to the history
VII. Compare with nowadays’ cities.
VIII. Conclusion
IX. References.
             A. Primary Sources.
             B. Secondary Sources.

I. Introduction
             A long ago, when there were no concept of “Kingdom” yet, there was a “City”, instead of a one complete country. Ancient Greece, the golden age of the “Cities”, has the most of the history of Cities. In fact, Ancient Greece was only a union of various cities. Usually, we call the “cities” as “Polis” or “City-State”.
             Now, I’m going to compare and contrast cities in different terms, which introduced in books: <The Histories> by Herodotus and <Iliad> by Homer.

II. Definition of “City” in Ancient Greece.
           “Cities” or “City-States” stands for the Independent community which had a power to maintain their own freedom and political system. They had their own economic market, and also different social forms.
             If you see the word “City-State”, we can divide the word into two small words, cities and states. The concept of city-states is kind of similar to now’s country. There is a bigger area, state. And the middle of the state, there is a city, which plays a role of capital nowadays. Every law and decision was made in the area of city, not the state. In addition, only people in the city had a right to elect. It means, people outside the city had no political rights. Metaphorically, we can compare the form of city and state as a colony. State belongs to the city, and all of the decisions are coming from the city.
III. How did the “City” develop?
A.   Society forms of cities.
In <Iliad>, Troy appears as a major city which can affect to the region. For example, even though the Greece was a union of various cities, Troy was able to resist against the big army. And the typical city-state of the era: Troy was monarchy. (1)                                                                                     
However, in <The Histories>, Athens and Sparta was the strongest city-states at the region, especially during and after the Persian war. (2) Anyway, interestingly, both Athens and Sparta developed “Democracy.” Athens, they decided policy or picked representative by election (But not for women), and also Sparta, attained completed equality.
Therefore, we can see that the forms of society in city-states highly developed, and also became complicated.
B.   Industry of cities.
In the ancient Greece, as much as various kinds of cities, every city’s industrial system was also different. Main industry of Troy was “Rearing Horses” (3)

... Not done either :(

2011년 1월 19일 수요일


-Symbol of God-

Those which are below are all the symblos which angels left.

First, it is Acceptance of Optimal Health

And, it is Beacon of hope.

Well, this one is Begin Anew

And this is for Creativity

Lastly, It is for Friendship.

Oops, If you are going to scrap those symbols,
PLEASE leave your comments :)


2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Letter + Poem

(Everything in this letter is fiction!)

Dear Hate.

     I believe it was the first time I've seen you truly.
I thought I will never have chance to meet you,
fortunately, I met you.

    I'm really appreciating for you, hate.
Without you, my mind might have been destroyed a long ago.
You made me not to be ruined by my response,
But put my responsibilities to someone else.
Thank you.

    Hate. I'm confused by you.
 I'm so afraid that you're only love,
Which is putting a mask of 'Hate' on its face.

    I pray.
I don't want to face the truth.
Hate, I beg you.
Hide me into the deep darkness,
so that nobody could find me.

    Everything I can rely on is you, hate.
Too late to start something.

    Perhaps, you were a love.
Which made me happy, and enjoy my life.
But not again.
Do not give me any hope.

    Since you hurt me,
pease stay as a "hate".

    I don't want to destroyed again,
by catching a fake-tiny hopeness.

    So as I pray,
Let me stay here.

2011년 1월 17일 월요일

"Love" in Pop songs

Why do singers mostly use “Love” as the subject of their song?

Class 25, Kim SeHyun

Throughout human kind’s long history, since the concept of “entertainment” appeared, music has been treated as an ancillary source of communication. For example, you can express your complaint and feelings by singing a song or playing an instrument. Also, music plays a role of representing the epoch. For example, Classic music was typical case of the medieval era. By playing comfortable music, people of the era felt satisfied and pleased. However, nowadays the “Pop Song” is representative type of music which most people enjoy.
           If you search ‘pop song’ on the internet, and listen to anything which comes at the top of search results, ten to one, it will probably mention about “Love”, especially parting or something. Besides, even for me, it is very difficult to list pop songs which are not talking about love. In fact, most of us have no experience of such serious love, as we can easily find in the pop songs’ lyrics. Then, why pop songs which are singing about ‘Love’ are so popular, especially in Korea? Let me take this opportunity to talk about it.
           First of all, ‘Pop song’ stands for the ‘popular song’, so pop songs are mainly aimed at teenager and twenty-something as their target audience. Thus, it needs a bond of sympathy between those ages, and the best medium which can develop a bond of sympathy, is ‘Love’. You know, even a little love, everybody experiences it at least once in his/her life. Even, someone in this place might having a crush now. (laugh) Therefore, the most common experience for everyone; Love must be a commonplace subject for pop songs.
           Second, most of the love songs in Korea are quite sorrowful. They are enough plaintive to stimulate people’s emotion. Those songs can touch people’s hearts, and may awake their cold hearted emotion. Thus, it can make people feel themselves are becoming sensitive. Eventually, those one who listen pop songs will feel freedom by emancipating their closed minds. Furthermore, as there is a big difficulty to make sensitive music which contains nothing about love, ‘love’ is often used in many pop songs.
           Third, Korean music market is already adapted to love music. Making songs which are very different from the original forms or stories is kind of dangerous adventure for Korean record companies. And they have no reasons to take such an adventure. It is also the reason that Hip-hop and Rock music are not as much as popular in Korea compare to other countries.
           Music is an art. It can demonstrate one’s philosophy, by using simple melodies. However, forcing every song’s topic as a ‘love’ is truly undesirable. Even though there are some reasons that ‘love’ music must be the most common pop songs, unless we should try to change it. We are not supposed to standardize every genre in music into the ‘love’. We’ve got to have an attitude which can accept different kinds of songs, such as songs that are talking about the lives or issues. Remember this; music is not only a way to speak, but also a way to communicate and be a representative of the era. Therefore, to make our generation not to only remember as a “era of parting in love”, the love should not be an only subject for pop songs.